Monday 22 July 2019

Facebook Password Forgot !

Have you forgotten your Facebook account password once again? If yes, then you do not have to panic as you are sailing the same boat just like any other user reading this piece of information. Well, it was always advised to keep a check on all your pictures and other information so that you can avoid any mishappening with the account. Seeing this, the users were also advised to keep changing their password frequently which will protect your account from getting hacked. But it was also observed that due to frequent password changes, the users got themselves confused with their passwords. Hence, Facebook has introduced a list of ways to get back the account in case of Facebook password forgot the issue. And to know more about the recovery steps, the users can read this space further and get their answer. Getting Back Facebook Account Access Effortlessly! Method 1: Recovery using Phone Number
1. Open a web browser and go to from the search bar. 2. Enter the username in the space given and then tap “Next”. 3. Tap on “Forgot Password?” option from the bottom of the page and then tap “NExt”. 4. Facebook will ask to select any one recovery option. Select the option of recovery using the phone number and then tap “Next”. 5. Check the number linked to the account and then tap “Next”. 6. Enter the verification code in the space given and then tap “Next”. 7. Facebook will allow you to create a new password. Hence, create a password which is strong and easy to memorise at the same time. 8. Enter the password again in the second box to confirm and then click “OK”. Method 2: Recovery Using Email! 1. Land on a web browser and go to the Facebook password recovery page from the search bar. 2. Enter the username that you want to recover and then Facebook will ask you to select any one recovery option. 3. Select the option of recovery using email and then check the email that is linked to the account. 4. Check for the verification code sent to you on alternate email and then enter the same in the screen space provided to you. 5. Facebook sever will check the code and them allow the user to create his new password. 6. And this time the password shall be easy. Enter the password in the second box and then tap “OK’. Hence, with the help of the above steps, the users can change or reset their password hassle-free. And in case they are facing Facebook password reset problems then he is free to contact the customer service. 

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